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Mango Banganapalli 1 kg


It is also known to be rich in Fiber, Antioxidants, Vitamins, Minerals and Poly-Phenolic Falvonoid. You can consume it in the form of Smoothies, Desserts, Shakes, Juices or chopped, sliced pieces.

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Mango Banganapalli, often hailed as the “King of Mangoes,” is a variety cherished for its unparalleled taste, aroma, and texture. Originating from the Indian subcontinent, this mango cultivar has gained global recognition for its exceptional quality and is a favorite among mango enthusiasts worldwide.

Origins of Mango Banganapalli

Mango Banganapalli traces its roots to the town of Banganapalle in Andhra Pradesh, India. It is believed to have been cultivated for over 100 years in this region, where the tropical climate and fertile soil provide ideal conditions for mango cultivation. The mango’s name itself pays homage to its place of origin, signifying its deep connection to the land where it flourishes.

Characteristics and Flavor Profile

Color and Appearance: Mango Banganapalli is characterized by its oblong shape and vibrant yellow skin with a blush of red-orange hues. Its flesh is tender and succulent, with minimal fiber content, making it a delight to eat. Aroma: The aroma of Mango Banganapalli is intoxicating, with sweet floral notes that tantalize the senses and evoke images of sun-kissed orchards. Flavor: Renowned for its rich, honey-like sweetness and subtle tanginess, Mango Banganapalli offers a symphony of flavors with every bite. Its juicy flesh melts in the mouth, leaving a lingering sweetness that is both satisfying and addictive.

Cultivation and Harvesting

Mango Banganapalli thrives in tropical and subtropical climates, where temperatures range from 25°C to 30°C (77°F to 86°F) and annual rainfall is sufficient for proper fruit development. The trees require well-drained soil and ample sunlight to flourish. Harvesting usually occurs from April to June, depending on the region, with the fruits carefully handpicked to ensure optimal ripeness and flavor.

Culinary Uses

Fresh Consumption: Mango Banganapalli is often enjoyed fresh, either sliced and eaten on its own or incorporated into fruit salads and desserts. Juices and Smoothies: Its sweet and tangy flavor makes it an ideal choice for preparing refreshing juices, smoothies, and milkshakes, especially during the hot summer months. Chutneys and Pickles: In Indian cuisine, Mango Banganapalli is used to make delectable chutneys, pickles, and relishes, adding a burst of flavor to savory dishes.

Health Benefits

Apart from its irresistible taste, Mango Banganapalli also offers a host of health benefits. It is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants, which help boost immunity, promote eye health, and protect against oxidative stress. Additionally, its high fiber content aids in digestion and promotes gut health.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: How can I tell if a Mango Banganapalli is ripe? A: A ripe Mango Banganapalli will yield slightly to gentle pressure and emit a fragrant aroma near the stem. The skin may also develop a golden hue with hints of red-orange.

Q: Can I ripen Mango Banganapalli at home? A: Yes, you can ripen Mango Banganapalli at home by placing them in a paper bag at room temperature for a few days. Adding a ripe banana or apple to the bag can expedite the ripening process.

Q: How should I store ripe Mango Banganapalli? A: Ripe Mango Banganapalli should be stored in the refrigerator, where they will stay fresh for up to five days. Alternatively, you can freeze them for longer-term storage, either whole or sliced.

Q: Are Mango Banganapalli organic? A: Mango Banganapalli can be grown using organic farming practices, but not all mangoes of this variety are certified organic. It’s best to check with the supplier or look for organic certification labels.

Q: What makes Mango Banganapalli unique compared to other mango varieties? A: Mango Banganapalli stands out for its exceptional sweetness, minimal fiber content, and distinct aroma, setting it apart from other mango varieties. Its smooth texture and rich flavor make it a favorite among mango connoisseurs.

Q: Can Mango Banganapalli be used in cooking? A: Yes, Mango Banganapalli is versatile and can be used in various culinary applications, including both sweet and savory dishes. It adds a delightful sweetness and tanginess to curries, salads, desserts, and beverages.


In conclusion, Mango Banganapalli reigns supreme as one of the most sought-after mango varieties, cherished for its exquisite taste, aroma, and texture. Whether enjoyed fresh, blended into juices, or used in cooking, it never fails to delight the senses and evoke a sense of tropical bliss. Indulge in the decadent sweetness of Mango Banganapalli and experience the true essence of summer.


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